23 апреля в 11:00 по североамериканскому времени (CDT) начнется вебинар на английском языке "Data Quality and Migration: How to Prepare the Move to SAP S/4HANA", посвященный решениям SAP по управлению информацией.
SAP S/4HANA is a fantastic opportunity to consider your data landscape, correct past issues, and optimize for business transformation. Customers running SAP S/4HANA successfully today recommend cleansing and consolidating your data to get the most out of your investment in SAP S/4HANA. Getting there is often easier said than done – how do you know what to take and what to leave behind? In this session, you will learn about SAP solutions for information management.
Онлайн, ИнтернетData Quality and Migration: How to Prepare the Move to SAP S/4HANA
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23 апреля в 11:00 по североамериканскому времени (CDT) начнется вебинар на английском языке "Data Quality and Migration: How to Prepare the Move to SAP S/4HANA", посвященный решениям SAP по управлению информацией.
SAP S/4HANA is a fantastic opportunity to consider your data landscape, correct past issues, and optimize for business transformation. Customers running SAP S/4HANA successfully today recommend cleansing and consolidating your data to get the most out of your investment in SAP S/4HANA. Getting there is often easier said than done – how do you know what to take and what to leave behind? In this session, you will learn about SAP solutions for information management.