30 апреля в 1:00 PM (время EDT) начнется вебинар "Fast Start with SAP Cloud Platform: Three Use Cases Everyone Can Deploy Today".
На мероприятии будут представлены истории ИТ-проектов реализованных на облачной платформе SAP.
On Thursday April 30th, you are invited to this online event where Smitha Rao Manchi, systems integration manager at Owens Illinois, will present how the company quickly implemented the following scenarios with BlueBoot Business Software – a top partner for SAP Cloud Platform:
Mobile apps for plant maintenance
Fiori fast start with MM/SD/HR apps
Vendor portal
Fast Start with SAP Cloud Platform: Three Use Cases Everyone Can Deploy Today
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30 апреля в 1:00 PM (время EDT) начнется вебинар "Fast Start with SAP Cloud Platform: Three Use Cases Everyone Can Deploy Today".
На мероприятии будут представлены истории ИТ-проектов реализованных на облачной платформе SAP.
On Thursday April 30th, you are invited to this online event where Smitha Rao Manchi, systems integration manager at Owens Illinois, will present how the company quickly implemented the following scenarios with BlueBoot Business Software – a top partner for SAP Cloud Platform:
Mobile apps for plant maintenance
Fiori fast start with MM/SD/HR apps
Vendor portal