Международная выставка и конференция IFSEC в Индии пройдет при поддержке Азиатской ассоциации профессионалов безопасности (APSA), Американской ассоциации промышленной безопасности (ASIS) и других организаций. Стратегическим партнером выступает компания PwC. Выставка собирает всемирно известных консультантов, бизнес-экспертов и ключевых персон. В мероприятии примут участие 18 000 покупателей и лиц, принимающих решения, ключевые торговые рынки и конечные пользователи. В выставке задействованы более 300 брендов из более чем 20 стран.
The International Fire & Security Exhibition and Conference (IFSEC) India Expo, South Asia’s largest security, civil protection and fire safety show by UBM India, is gearing up for its 11th edition which is slated for December 6th - 8th at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. Supported by Asian Professional Security Association(APSA), American Society for Industrial Security(ASIS) , Electronic Security Association of India(ESAI) , Central Association of Private Security Industry (CAPSI) and Overseas Security Advisory Council(OSAC), along with Assocham as Strategic Partner and PwC as knowledge Partner, the show brings together internationally renowned exhibitors, consultants, business experts and key government officials under one common platform.
Significantly, in an industry where upgradation of technology is the very key to surviving competition, the IFSEC India Expo provides high-impact, informative demos and a wealth of opportunities for the visitors to network and learn about cutting-edge technologies, industry best practices and trends, challenges, market insights and discover the best solutions to keep their business and clients secured. The event is plays host to 18,000 industry buyers and decision makers, key trade markets and the growing end user community including key government attendees attending to review the latest products and innovations, build business partnerships, conduct business and make purchases.
The expo will see participation of over 300 brands from 20+ countries such as UK, USA, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Lithuania, South Africa, Russia and Turkey to name a few from the security and fire domain. IFSEC India owes its rich legacy to the 40-year-old IFSEC Global and success to the way the Indian edition has modified itself to suit the specific needs of this region. Recommended by industry experts as the pre-eminent authority on the global security and fire industry, the expo has has nudged us on the path to a completely secure, smart and digitally enhanced world.
Дели, Mathura Road, Railway Colony, New DelhiIFSEC India
Дата проведения: 05.12.2018 - 07.12.2018. Начало 05.12.2018 в 09:00
Место проведения: Дели , Mathura Road, Railway Colony, New Delhi
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Международная выставка и конференция IFSEC в Индии пройдет при поддержке Азиатской ассоциации профессионалов безопасности (APSA), Американской ассоциации промышленной безопасности (ASIS) и других организаций. Стратегическим партнером выступает компания PwC. Выставка собирает всемирно известных консультантов, бизнес-экспертов и ключевых персон. В мероприятии примут участие 18 000 покупателей и лиц, принимающих решения, ключевые торговые рынки и конечные пользователи. В выставке задействованы более 300 брендов из более чем 20 стран.
The International Fire & Security Exhibition and Conference (IFSEC) India Expo, South Asia’s largest security, civil protection and fire safety show by UBM India, is gearing up for its 11th edition which is slated for December 6th - 8th at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi. Supported by Asian Professional Security Association(APSA), American Society for Industrial Security(ASIS) , Electronic Security Association of India(ESAI) , Central Association of Private Security Industry (CAPSI) and Overseas Security Advisory Council(OSAC), along with Assocham as Strategic Partner and PwC as knowledge Partner, the show brings together internationally renowned exhibitors, consultants, business experts and key government officials under one common platform.
Significantly, in an industry where upgradation of technology is the very key to surviving competition, the IFSEC India Expo provides high-impact, informative demos and a wealth of opportunities for the visitors to network and learn about cutting-edge technologies, industry best practices and trends, challenges, market insights and discover the best solutions to keep their business and clients secured. The event is plays host to 18,000 industry buyers and decision makers, key trade markets and the growing end user community including key government attendees attending to review the latest products and innovations, build business partnerships, conduct business and make purchases.
The expo will see participation of over 300 brands from 20+ countries such as UK, USA, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Lithuania, South Africa, Russia and Turkey to name a few from the security and fire domain. IFSEC India owes its rich legacy to the 40-year-old IFSEC Global and success to the way the Indian edition has modified itself to suit the specific needs of this region. Recommended by industry experts as the pre-eminent authority on the global security and fire industry, the expo has has nudged us on the path to a completely secure, smart and digitally enhanced world.