Современный цифровой мир доказал эффективность прикладного ПО, котороезакладывает основу для инноваций, стимулирует активность и обеспечивает впечатляющие бизнес-результаты. Лидеры разработки и внедрения приложений имеют уникальную перспективу.
In today’s digital world, few things are more impactful than applications. They lay the foundation for innovation, drive engagement and deliver impactful business results. Application leaders have a unique perspective, with a comprehensive view of their enterprise, and an innate understanding of technology and the art of the possible. Now is the time for application leaders to use their expertise to unleash the power of digital business within their organizations.
Gartner Application Architecture, Development & Integration Summit 2018 features in-depth research and advanced best practices in application strategies, business application management, mobile applications, modern application architecture, application development, integration, and emerging technologies, including cognitive computing and advances in Blockchain.
Токио, Tokyo Conference Center Shinagawa, Konan, Minato-ku
Gartner Application Architecture, Development & Integration Summit, Tokio
Дата проведения: 15.03.2018 - 16.03.2018. Начало 15.03.2018 в 09:00
Место проведения: Токио , Tokyo Conference Center Shinagawa, Konan, Minato-ku
- Анонс
- Программа
- Участники
- Спикеры
Современный цифровой мир доказал эффективность прикладного ПО, котороезакладывает основу для инноваций, стимулирует активность и обеспечивает впечатляющие бизнес-результаты. Лидеры разработки и внедрения приложений имеют уникальную перспективу.
In today’s digital world, few things are more impactful than applications. They lay the foundation for innovation, drive engagement and deliver impactful business results. Application leaders have a unique perspective, with a comprehensive view of their enterprise, and an innate understanding of technology and the art of the possible. Now is the time for application leaders to use their expertise to unleash the power of digital business within their organizations.
Gartner Application Architecture, Development & Integration Summit 2018 features in-depth research and advanced best practices in application strategies, business application management, mobile applications, modern application architecture, application development, integration, and emerging technologies, including cognitive computing and advances in Blockchain.