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27.01.2021 18:00
27.01.2021 19:00
RISE with SAP: The Introduction
Online-презентация RISE with SAP: The Introduction CEO SAP с Кристианом Кляйном пройдет 27 января в 18:00 (10:00 a.m. EST/4:00 pm CET).
Propel your business through any disruption with a new perspective on your path to becoming an intelligent enterprise.
Онлайн,RISE with SAP: The Introduction
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Online-презентация RISE with SAP: The Introduction CEO SAP с Кристианом Кляйном пройдет 27 января в 18:00 (10:00 a.m. EST/4:00 pm CET).
Propel your business through any disruption with a new perspective on your path to becoming an intelligent enterprise.