Саммит OpenStack посвящен возможностям платформ с открытым кодом для построения современной ИТ-инфраструктуры - в том числе технологий на базе OpenStack, Kubernetes, Docker, Ansible, Ceph, OVS, OpenContrail, OPNFV и других.
The world runs on open infrastructure. At the OpenStack Summit, you’ll learn about the mix of open technologies building the modern infrastructure stack, including OpenStack, Kubernetes, Docker, Ansible, Ceph, OVS, OpenContrail, OPNFV, and more. Whether you are pursuing a private, public or multi-cloud approach, the OpenStack Summit is the place to network, skill up and plan your cloud strategy.
Сидней, International Convention Centre Sydney, 14 Darling Dr, Sydney NSW 2009, AustraliaOpenStack Summit
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Саммит OpenStack посвящен возможностям платформ с открытым кодом для построения современной ИТ-инфраструктуры - в том числе технологий на базе OpenStack, Kubernetes, Docker, Ansible, Ceph, OVS, OpenContrail, OPNFV и других.
The world runs on open infrastructure. At the OpenStack Summit, you’ll learn about the mix of open technologies building the modern infrastructure stack, including OpenStack, Kubernetes, Docker, Ansible, Ceph, OVS, OpenContrail, OPNFV, and more. Whether you are pursuing a private, public or multi-cloud approach, the OpenStack Summit is the place to network, skill up and plan your cloud strategy.