19-я ярмарка высоких технологий (CHTF 2017) пройдет в Шэньчжэне, Китай, с 16 по 21 ноября 2017 года. Мероприятие объединяет в себе выставки, форумы и конференции, дополнительные мероприятия.
The 19th China High-Tech Fair (CHTF 2017) will take place at Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center and relevant sub-venues from November 16 to 21, 2017, with exhibitions, forums and conferences, relevant events as well as everlasting fairs as the main contents.
A fair is composed of four parts: National High-Tech Advancements, General Shows, Specialized Shows and Sub-Venues. And General Shows include International Pavilions, Belt & Road, Innovation,Research & Development Exhibition, Makers Exhibition etc.; Specialized Shows include IT Exhibition, Energy Conservation & Environmental Protection Exhibition, New Energy Exhibition, New Material Exhibition,Green Buildings Exhibition, Smart City Exhibition, Advanced Manufacturing Technology Exhibition,Smart Healthcare Exhibition, New ElectronicTechnology & Application Exhibition, Optoelectronics Display Exhibition, Aerospace & Aviation Technology Show,and Exhibition for the CivilApplication of Military Technology, etc.
China Hi-Tech Forum, high-level forums organized by state ministries and commissions, professional technical forums, press release,special forums organized by key enterprises, high-level forums matching exhibitions, and other professional conferences.
Шэньчжэнь, Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center,Fuhua Third Road,Futian District,ShenzhenChina Hi-Tech Fair 2017
Дата проведения: 04.12.2017. Начало в 04:20
Место проведения: Шэньчжэнь , Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center,Fuhua Third Road,Futian District,Shenzhen
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19-я ярмарка высоких технологий (CHTF 2017) пройдет в Шэньчжэне, Китай, с 16 по 21 ноября 2017 года. Мероприятие объединяет в себе выставки, форумы и конференции, дополнительные мероприятия.
The 19th China High-Tech Fair (CHTF 2017) will take place at Shenzhen Convention & Exhibition Center and relevant sub-venues from November 16 to 21, 2017, with exhibitions, forums and conferences, relevant events as well as everlasting fairs as the main contents.
A fair is composed of four parts: National High-Tech Advancements, General Shows, Specialized Shows and Sub-Venues. And General Shows include International Pavilions, Belt & Road, Innovation,Research & Development Exhibition, Makers Exhibition etc.; Specialized Shows include IT Exhibition, Energy Conservation & Environmental Protection Exhibition, New Energy Exhibition, New Material Exhibition,Green Buildings Exhibition, Smart City Exhibition, Advanced Manufacturing Technology Exhibition,Smart Healthcare Exhibition, New ElectronicTechnology & Application Exhibition, Optoelectronics Display Exhibition, Aerospace & Aviation Technology Show,and Exhibition for the CivilApplication of Military Technology, etc.
China Hi-Tech Forum, high-level forums organized by state ministries and commissions, professional technical forums, press release,special forums organized by key enterprises, high-level forums matching exhibitions, and other professional conferences.