26 - 27 февраля 2025 года состоится профессиональная конференция для разработчиков высоконагруженных систем: Tech Internals Conf Berlin 2025.
Она посвящена технологиям. Глубокий и тщательный взгляд на внутреннее устройство технологических компонентов, в основном с упором на программную инженерию, на то, как эти компоненты фактически работают и взаимодействуют с другими компонентами.
On February 26-27, 2025, a professional conference for developers of high-load systems will be held: Tech Internals Conf Berlin 2025.
In short, Tech Internals Conf is about hardcore software engineering.
It is about technologies. A deep and thorough look into the internals of technological components, predominantly having software engineering focus, of how those components in fact operate and interwork with other components.
It is about technologies that can be used to build systems. Technology for the sake of technology makes little practical sense, and the overall complexities tend to lie in the intersections of different technological components, and not necessarily within isolated ones. Systems build out of components, but the whole is always greater than its parts, and it takes quite a lot more than just knowing the components themselves to build a system.
It is about stories of technologies that were used to build large scale and highload systems. TIC focuses on reflections back onto what has been done with fascinating technological components and systems built out of them. It is about large scale, highly loaded real world systems that we might use daily and take for granted without any consideration paid to the complexities that lie beneath. It is not about what could be done in theory, it is about what has been achieved and the pains and lessons learnt.
Берлин,Tech Internals Conf Berlin 2025

Дата проведения: 26.02.2025 - 27.02.2025. Начало 26.02.2025 в 09:00
Место проведения: Берлин
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26 - 27 февраля 2025 года состоится профессиональная конференция для разработчиков высоконагруженных систем: Tech Internals Conf Berlin 2025.
Она посвящена технологиям. Глубокий и тщательный взгляд на внутреннее устройство технологических компонентов, в основном с упором на программную инженерию, на то, как эти компоненты фактически работают и взаимодействуют с другими компонентами.
On February 26-27, 2025, a professional conference for developers of high-load systems will be held: Tech Internals Conf Berlin 2025.
In short, Tech Internals Conf is about hardcore software engineering.
It is about technologies. A deep and thorough look into the internals of technological components, predominantly having software engineering focus, of how those components in fact operate and interwork with other components.
It is about technologies that can be used to build systems. Technology for the sake of technology makes little practical sense, and the overall complexities tend to lie in the intersections of different technological components, and not necessarily within isolated ones. Systems build out of components, but the whole is always greater than its parts, and it takes quite a lot more than just knowing the components themselves to build a system.
It is about stories of technologies that were used to build large scale and highload systems. TIC focuses on reflections back onto what has been done with fascinating technological components and systems built out of them. It is about large scale, highly loaded real world systems that we might use daily and take for granted without any consideration paid to the complexities that lie beneath. It is not about what could be done in theory, it is about what has been achieved and the pains and lessons learnt.