Международная конференция и выставка IFSEC International (The International Fire & Security Exhibition and Conference) - значимое событие в отрасли безопасности. Проводится ежегодно с 1988 года. В этом году важнейшей составляющей мероприятия станет ИТ- и кибербезопасность.
IFSEC International is the only place that brings together stakeholders from every role within security, giving them the platform to witness and showcase innovation and ignite collaboration in order to tackle the world’s most significant challenge.
There is no agenda more critical today than security. Whatever your role within the industry, you have a part to play and IFSEC International is your arena. Take part in the big discussions, hear from strategic global security leaders, get hands on with the security technology of tomorrow, and be inspired.
In 2018 IFSEC will be more than just a prominent trade show, it will foster the global security conversation, be the vessel that sets and carries the agenda and be the antenna for broadcasting the safety and security dialogue.
Лондон, ExCel London, One Western Gateway, Royal Victoria Dock, London UK, E16 1XL
IFSEC International 2018
Дата проведения: 19.06.2018 - 21.06.2018. Начало 19.06.2018 в 13:00
Место проведения: Лондон , ExCel London, One Western Gateway, Royal Victoria Dock, London UK, E16 1XL
- Анонс
- Программа
- Участники
- Спикеры
Международная конференция и выставка IFSEC International (The International Fire & Security Exhibition and Conference) - значимое событие в отрасли безопасности. Проводится ежегодно с 1988 года. В этом году важнейшей составляющей мероприятия станет ИТ- и кибербезопасность.
IFSEC International is the only place that brings together stakeholders from every role within security, giving them the platform to witness and showcase innovation and ignite collaboration in order to tackle the world’s most significant challenge.
There is no agenda more critical today than security. Whatever your role within the industry, you have a part to play and IFSEC International is your arena. Take part in the big discussions, hear from strategic global security leaders, get hands on with the security technology of tomorrow, and be inspired.
In 2018 IFSEC will be more than just a prominent trade show, it will foster the global security conversation, be the vessel that sets and carries the agenda and be the antenna for broadcasting the safety and security dialogue.
Выставка IFSEC разделена на отраслевые сектора:
- Access Control (системы контроля доступа)
- CCTV (системы видеонаблюдения)
- Counter Terror & Physical Security (защита от терроризма)
- Fire Solutions (противопожарные решения)
- Intruder Alarms (системы сигнализации для защиты от проникновения)
- Integrated Security/ IP & Network Solutions (информационная и сетевая безопасность)
- Security Solutions (решения по защите в целом)
- IFSEC Borders & Infrastructure (инфраструктура)